Digital Marketing Online Presence Audit

Digital Marketing Audit

Getting a digital marketing audit of your online presence is like getting a mechanic to check up on your beloved car.

Are there areas of improvement that would drive you more revenue?

Are there things you could be doing to get more out of the channels you are using, whether that be your website, social media, youtube, email or other platforms?

We’re all about you getting more bang for your buck.  Imagine knowing there were things you could do to make your blog work more effectively, or getting back from all those hours you’ve spent building that audience on Facebook!

We can perform digital audits covering all or individual aspects of your online presence whether that’s :

  • Your website
  • Your online advertising accounts on AdWords or Facebook
  • Search Engine Optimisation
  • …and lots more.

The problem with seeing one specialist for each of the above is they’ll give you advice based on their silo’d area of knowledge.

We’re firm believers that all of the above fit together like a jigsaw puzzle so you don’t end up with an online presence, you end up with a digital marketing machine that’s well tracked so you know what you’re getting from your efforts.

If you want to turbo charge your online presence, get us to do a digital audit for you today.

Who These Digital Marketing Audits Aren’t For

Please don’t order one of these digital audits if you aren’t prepared to follow through on recommendations.  I value your time as much as I hope you do mine.  There’s nothing that saddens me more with getting pages of golden nuggets handed over to a client, then checking back several months later to find that nothing has changed.

If you want an audit, you must want to step your online presence up to the next level, and grow your revenue.

The findings from your audit can be discussed verbally in person (if you’re local) or online, or you can get a fully written document if that’s what works best for you.  Some of these audits have ended up with 40 pages of gold written down, complete with screenshots and advice.

Ready To Take Your Online Presence To The Next Level?

Let’s get started on your digital marketing audit and find the areas of improvement for your business online.